The “tumult of opinions”

In the year 1820, the area around Manchester, New York was caught up in “an unusual excitement on the subject of religion.” Joseph Smith noted that it “created no small stir and division amongst the people.” He further noted that: Notwithstanding the great love which the converts to these different faiths expressed at the time … Read more

Deceiving the Saints

And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words. Colossians 2:4 Beguile (verb) – HOODWINK: To lead by deception Merriam-Webster Dictionary The apostle Paul warned the members of the church against people who would try to deceive them. His warning is even more pertinent today. There are many people and organizations … Read more

Apathy will destroy democracy

The Founding Fathers of the United States, tired as they were of aristocrats and despots, designed a system that would empower citizens to govern themselves. In addition to the right to vote, they gave us a public mail system so we could communicate with each other, a free press so we could be informed about … Read more

The Collapse of Civilization

In his 2005 book “Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed,” Jared Diamond listed three indicators that a society was going to collapse. He based his findings on a study of three historical societies: the Pueblo civilization in Chaco Canyon between 850 and 1250 CE, the Mayan civilization in Mesoamerica from 250 to 950 … Read more

Fascism the Trump way

Christopher Browning, an historian of Nazi Germany, has heretofore resisted calling Donald Trump a fascist because he felt it was an imprecise use of the term. However, he is worried about the future. I still deny that Trump’s presidency was fascist; but I’m concerned that if he wins another trip to the White House, he could … Read more

The Sound of Moral Indignation

Some people on Facebook are beginning to rave about a new movie called “The Sound of Freedom” starring Jim Caviezel. The movie purports to be the true story of Tim Ballard, a former Department of Homeland Security agent who rescues children from sex trafficking in Colombia. Caviezel and others have claimed that the movie, which … Read more

The opposite of “woke” is “asleep”

Right-wing Republicans, at the behest of their meme masters at FauxNews, are loudly fighting a war against “wokeism.” As usual, they do not bother to define the term. They simply use the terms “woke” and “wokeism” as weaponized catchall terms to represent the fictional nefarious program of the imaginary “evil libs” that they fear. The … Read more