The mission of Jesus Christ

This week in Sunday School we discussed the event in Luke 4:16-30 when Jesus read Isaiah 61:1-2 in the synagogue in Nazareth and announced that the scripture was fulfilled that day in him. Sunday School classes typically emphasize the “no prophet is accepted in his own country” (Matthew 4:24) part of the story and the … Read more

Division within the Church of Jesus Christ

It is clear that there is much evil in the world. The people of the world need to repent of many things. But before we point our finger at everyone else, the soul-searching , and the repentance, needs to start at home. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but … Read more

The fear-based psychology of conservatives

In 2003, the American Psychological Association published a meta-analysis of 88 studies about the psychology of political conservatism. The literature reviewed compared the “cognitive style” and the “motivational needs” of conservatives with those of other political groups. The authors also reviewed research on “dogmatism and intolerance of ambiguity, uncertainty avoidance, need for cognitive closure, and … Read more

Why is the LDS Church silent on Trumpism?

It has become clear to me recently that the reason rampant wickedness causes great civilizations to fall is because wicked societies allow selfish incompetents to take over the government. Then, when a crisis comes along, it gets mishandled and turns into a disaster. (Yes, the coronavirus pandemic is what helped me see this). In the … Read more

Fear Not

Why is it that the first thing an angel always says is, “Fear Not.” Shouldn’t seeing an angel be the most beautiful, amazing, wonderful, delightful, inspiring, experience of one’s entire life? In the Garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve hid themselves from God, Adam admitted that they were afraid because they were naked. The … Read more

Church announces “home-centered” youth initiative

“Good, as it ripens, becomes continually more different not only from evil but from other good.” C.S. Lewis The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has begun to roll out its “New Approach” to Children and Youth, which will officially begin on January 1. 2020. This new program “is designed to be personalized and … Read more