Avoiding the Tree of Knowledge

Recently, I started an adult Sunday School lesson on the Fall of Adam and Eve by saying “Today we are going to partake of the Tree of Knowledge.” I then took a big bite of a juicy red apple. After savoring the taste, I offered another apple to a class member sitting in the front … Read more

Was Eve deceived by the Serpent?

The other day I asked this question to my 89-year-old mother. Her answer was, “I don’t believe that for a minute. She knew exactly what she was doing.” It is impossible to know the precise degree to which Eve may have made her decision (about eating the fruit) by being swayed by Satan’s temptations or … Read more

Fear Not

Why is it that the first thing an angel always says is, “Fear Not.” Shouldn’t seeing an angel be the most beautiful, amazing, wonderful, delightful, inspiring, experience of one’s entire life? In the Garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve hid themselves from God, Adam admitted that they were afraid because they were naked. The … Read more

Church announces “home-centered” youth initiative

“Good, as it ripens, becomes continually more different not only from evil but from other good.” C.S. Lewis The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has begun to roll out its “New Approach” to Children and Youth, which will officially begin on January 1. 2020. This new program “is designed to be personalized and … Read more