Are You for Sale?

“Selling out” is a common idiomatic pejorative expression for the compromising of a person’s integrity, morality, authenticity, or principles in exchange for personal gain, such as money. Wikipedia An artist or musician who compromises his or her original artistic vision in order to produce more “commercial” work may be accused of “selling out.” A politician … Read more

Is Democracy Already Dead in the US?

We in the United States like to think that we live in a representative democracy. We are attracted to Lincoln’s optimistic idea that America stands for “government of the people, by the people, and for the people” We have been taught that, despite the wrangling that occurs, our political processes eventually result in government policies … Read more

“All Things in Common”

Recently in my Elder’s Quorum meeting, the Instructor asked us to look through 4 Nephi, Chapter 1. The chapter describes a society that, following Christ’s visit to the Americas, had 200 years of peace and prosperity. The Instructor asked us to point out the defining characteristics of that society. I immediately noticed verse three. And … Read more

A Testimony is Only the Beginning


The Latter-day Saints have a unique form of knowledge we call “testimony.” And a testimony, when expressed, is a particularly strong statement of belief. And yet, a testimony is expressed humbly, quietly, gratefully. It is not an expression of personal superiority. To an outsider, a Mormon testimony may appear to be a self-delusion or a … Read more

Science and Religion in Pursuit of Truth

Parley P. Pratt

Early Mormon Apostle Parley P. Pratt taught that Theology includes “all other sciences and useful arts.” This puts the religion of the Latter-day Saints squarely on the side of science and advanced learning. There is no room for dogmatism, provincialism, or narrow-mindedness in the Church of Jesus Christ. [Theology] is the science of all other … Read more

Are you sure about that?

Know your own ignorance

How sure are you about your beliefs? Did you know there is an inverse correlation between certainty and accuracy? People who hold false or mistaken ideas are often absolutely certain they are right. This is called the Dunning-Kruger effect. In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people mistakenly … Read more