Full Confidence

I just heard on NPR that Paul “Let’s invade Iraq” Wolfowitz, Head of the World Bank and one of the Bushites, is being investigated by his Board and may be removed from his position. The thing that caused me pause was the spokesperson for Bush saying, “The President has full confidence in Mr. Wolfowitz….” Haven’t … Read more

Harry Reid speaks to Utah Democrats

Last night the Senate Minority Leader, Nevada senator (and Mormon) Harry Reid addressed the Utah Democrat’s Jefferson Jackson Dinner at the Marriot Hotel in Salt Lake City. He pointed out that while the last election was disappointing for Democrats nationally, Democrats made huge gains in state legislatures across the country. Reid said that the person … Read more

A Nation of Nitwits?

The following description of George W. Bush is from the book The Dick Cheney Code: A Parody by Henry Beard. In the book, this description is given by Donald Rumsfeld in a conversation with Dick Cheney. “Is it a bad thing that the President is a nitwit? No, it isn’t. It is a good thing. … Read more

Fahrenheit 9/11

Yesterday I saw Michael Moore’s movie “Fahrenheit 9/11.” The theater was packed. Since it was a Sunday, I found mself wondering if I was the only Mormon in the audience. I believe the information in this documentary deserves a wide audience – especially among my fellow Utah Mormons, whom I believe to be politically naive … Read more

EU Expansion Day

Tomorrow, May 1, 2004 is European Union Expansion Day. The EU is expanding from 15 members to 25. Celebrations are planned all over Europe. Many see it as the most significant historical event since the fall of the Berlin Wall. On NPR today, a spokesperson from Poland said they view it as the most significant … Read more

Electronic voting

“Those who vote decide nothing; those who count the votes decide everything.”— Joseph Stalin By the November 2004 election, I wonder how many states, counties, and cities will have moved to paperless electronic voting (ie. voting with no paper trail)? It could be that Bush has already won the next election.

2004 Utah Democratic Primary

This Tuesday is the Utah Democratic Presidential Primary election. Thanks to his savaging by FOX and CNN (see what really occured on that caucus night ), Howard Dean is out of the race. However, thanks to his inability to pose as a Democrat, Joe Leiberman is also out of the race. We Democrats seem intent … Read more