Spencer Cox joins the Trump cult

It is a long-understood tradition that once one swears fealty to a Mafia boss, one is immediately pressured to perform an illegal act. This serves to prove your loyalty to the gang, and also gives them a blackmail tool to guarantee your future loyalty. Performing the required illegal act debases the new recruit and proves that they are no better than the other criminals in the gang.

On August 26th, Donald Trump violated federal law, Army regulations, and Department of Defense policy to take photographs and video in Section 60 of Arlington National Cemetery to be used for political purposes. Trump posted the video on TikTok in a failed attempt to criticize the Biden-Harris administration.

Weirdly, the photos show Trump and others smiling and giving a “thumbs up” sign while standing over veteran’s graves.

As a resident of the state of Utah, I was initially surprised to see our previously “moderate” Republican governor, Spencer Cox, standing with Trump in a group photo at the cemetery.

I guess the immense pressure from the other cultists in his “party” finally got to him and he decided to drink the Kool-Aid.

Hannah Schoenbaum, “Arlington cemetary controversy shines spotlight on Utah Gov Spencer Cox’s sudden embrace of Trump,” Independent, September 1, 2024.
James Downey, “Trump’s Arlington stunt was even more offensive than we first thought,” MSNBC, September 1, 2024.
Michael Powell, “Why Trump’s Arlington debacle is so serious,” The Atlantic, August 30, 2024. (Sign-in required to read).
Quil Lawrence, Tom Bowman, Stephen Fowler, “Army says Arlington National Cemetery worker was ‘pushed aside’ by Trump aides,” NPR, August 29, 2024.
— “Drinking the Kool-Aid,” Wikipedia.

2 thoughts on “Spencer Cox joins the Trump cult”

  1. It reminds me of Trump gassing the protestors at Lafayette Square so he could pose with an upside down Bible, which is just as tone deal as the thumbs-up over a grave. General Milley had sufficient self-awareness that he later apologized for what happened.

  2. The entire Republican portion of our legislature sent a letter swearing fealty to Trump. Now the entire Utah Republican Party is as fascist as the national party.

    If Trump gets back to the WH that will be the beginning of a Nazi style dictatorship. What is the matter with this state? The political, business and Church establishment is either oblivious or afraid of Trump, maybe both.

    This does not partisan banter on my part. I am mighty dissatisfied with how Democrats picked their ticket this time around.

    I think we are seeing the collapse of the two party system.

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