Apathy will destroy democracy

The Founding Fathers of the United States, tired as they were of aristocrats and despots, designed a system that would empower citizens to govern themselves. In addition to the right to vote, they gave us a public mail system so we could communicate with each other, a free press so we could be informed about … Read more

Give us a King!

When he grew old, the Old Testament prophet Samuel appointed his sons to be judges over Israel. Unfortunately, they “turned aside after lucre, and took bribes, and perverted judgement” (1 Samuel 8:3). Weary of corrupt government, the elders of Israel came to Samuel and asked him to appoint a king to rule over them. (1 … Read more

Supporting a criminal for President

At the August 23, 2023 Republican primary debate, six of the eight candidates on the stage pledged that, if Donald Trump became the 2024 Republican nominee for president, they would support him – even if he was convicted. The Republican frontrunner stands accuse of racketeering, conspiracy, obstruction, and charges related to the continued effort, and … Read more

Techno Feudalism: Our new masters

Traditional capitalism is dead. It has been for a while. As far as the really big money and power is concerned, the traditional industries, manufacturing, construction, and transportation, with their long-standing tension between capital and labor, were replaced by finance beginning in the 1980s. Finance is an interesting “industry” because, for all its self-importance, obscene … Read more

The Republican Assault on the Rule of Law

Our institutions of democracy and law have been under vicious attack for years now – that is from within, not from without the United States. And these vicious attacks are unsustainable and unendurable. They’ve already taken their toll on American democracy and American law in their impact, and the consequence of their impact, on the … Read more

Election 2022: Disaster avoided? or simply delayed?

It appears that democracy in the United States may have survived the 2022 election. Perhaps even more important than the Democrats keeping control of the Senate is the fact that all 13 election-denying Republican candidates, in 6 battleground states, for governor, secretaries of state, and attorneys general, lost their races. (The Arizona Attorney General race, … Read more

How the 2024 election will be stolen

The Republicans are now quite far along in their plan to take the US Presidency in 2024 regardless of the outcome of the popular vote. This statement is not alarmist or pessimistic. The evidence is in plain view for all who have the eyes to see it. First of all, we need to remember that, … Read more

Refusing to acknowledge Republican Fascism

The establishment of our new Government seemed to be the last great experiment for promoting human happiness. George Washington, January 9, 1790 American democracy is in very serious trouble. Our “great experiment” could very well come to an end with the election of 2022 or 2024. If the Republicans retake Congress, as the media keeps … Read more