Destroying the moral foundations of America

The United States of America was founded on three moral principles: 1. the rule of law, 2. the power of truth, and 3. the right of equal opportunity for all. The American Republican Party, at the behest its billionaire masters (and the right-wing media controlled by those billionaires), has been chipping away at all three … Read more

Inequality offends God

But it is not given that one man should possess that which is above another, wherefore the world lieth in sin. Doctrine and Covenants 49:20 This scripture is very specific about the current imbalance of wealth in America and the world. First it says “it is not given.” This means that God did not set … Read more

A political testimony

Last week I encouraged all Mormon Democrats and other left-leaning members of the Church of Jesus Christ to stand as witnesses against the lies, inhumane policies, and corruption of the Republican Party and the right-wing media. (See “Mormon Democrats need to stand as witnesses“). To “stand” in this context does not mean rising to one’s … Read more

The fear-based psychology of conservatives

In 2003, the American Psychological Association published a meta-analysis of 88 studies about the psychology of political conservatism. The literature reviewed compared the “cognitive style” and the “motivational needs” of conservatives with those of other political groups. The authors also reviewed research on “dogmatism and intolerance of ambiguity, uncertainty avoidance, need for cognitive closure, and … Read more

The Entrenched Power of Big Money

Relative income growth in the US.

Let me tell you what I think you already know, but you have to say it out loud. Inequality is by design.From those who colonized us 400 years ago, systems were built around people in power, by people in power, to keep their power. And 400 years ago, who were those people in power? White, … Read more

A Warning of Impending Destruction

The Book of Mormon did not come to us easily. Nephi hand made a set of plates out of gold (which he had mined and refined) and engraved the record of his people upon them (1 Nephi 19:1-6). He even made a duplicate set of plates, for a reason he did not know, because the … Read more

Worse than Oligarchy, we now live in a Pathocracy

Pathocracy — a system of government wherein a small pathological minority takes control over a society of normal people. Andrew Lobaczewski Pathocracy — governance by individuals with a seriously defective or missing conscience, specifically narcissists, and their ilk. Elizabeth Mika The government of the United States is now unmistakably pathological. The behavior of the United … Read more

The Party is not Your Salvation

When the early church began to grow in power and influence and worldliness, the ancient doctrine of the Two Ways was quickly replaced by the doctrine of the Two Parties. The former specified that there lies before every mortal, at every moment of his life, a choice between the Way of Light and the Way … Read more