Disaster ahead!!

After his first month back in office, the direction that Trump plans to take our country is now frighteningly clear. His ignorant toxic narcissism has set us up for disaster on many fronts. National weakness The Donald has always been in thrall to the dictators and strongmen of the world. Now he is actively weakening … Read more

Should we believe him?

There are a number of recent news stories about the ways the incoming President-elect’s policies will likely hurt the Americans who voted for him. People who have undocumented family members somehow seem to believe that Trump’s plans for mass deportations will not affect their relatives. People who depend on government benefits that Trump has promised … Read more

Government of Fools

Kakistocracy, noun – a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens. Donald J. Trump has been nominating candidates for positions in his government. The list is very revealing about both Trump himself and about the type of government he is about to subject us to. He started out with his ill-fated … Read more

8 Characteristics of American Fascism

Note: I am posting this just before the 2024 Election, but many of you will be reading it afterward. Hopefully, Kamala Harris has won the Presidency and the Democrats have kept the Senate and taken the House. This is important because one of our three branches of government, the Supreme Court, is already controlled by … Read more

Spencer Cox joins the Trump cult

It is a long-understood tradition that once one swears fealty to a Mafia boss, one is immediately pressured to perform an illegal act. This serves to prove your loyalty to the gang, and also gives them a blackmail tool to guarantee your future loyalty. Performing the required illegal act debases the new recruit and proves … Read more

The Republican party is a dangerous cult

You know, Trump’s most fervent supporters … are not open to reason or not open to arguments. CBS News just put out a poll that suggests that Trump’s voters value him as a source of truth by eight points more than they value their friends and family and by thirty points more than they value … Read more

Are your beliefs true?

I want you to do a brief thought exercise. It consists of three questions. The purpose of a thought exercise is to help you see something that may be familiar from a different perspective. The three questions are about your beliefs – your personal convictions. For the purposes of this exercise, let’s include ALL types … Read more

Priestcraft in America

One of the Book of Mormon’s many cautionary tales for our day is contained in Alma chapter 1. This chapter tells the story of the demagogue Nehor. Nehor went about preaching that every priest and teacher should become popular and be supported financially by the people. Nehor quickly became very popular because he taught that … Read more