A greater lesson from the lost manuscript story

There are various theories about what happened to the 116 manuscript pages that were lost by Martin Harris. Harris apparently broke his promise to only show the pages to his family and they may have been stolen by one of those persons. There has been speculation that the pages were stolen by treasure hunters seeking … Read more

Division within the Church of Jesus Christ

It is clear that there is much evil in the world. The people of the world need to repent of many things. But before we point our finger at everyone else, the soul-searching , and the repentance, needs to start at home. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but … Read more

Playing “Ain’t It Awful” in Church

Psychologist Eric Berne taught that people sometimes get caught up in interactions that follow a pre-defined pattern and progress to a predictable outcome. He called these interactions “Games” and described a number of these games in detail in his 1964 best-seller, Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships.  One game that is common in … Read more