The band of robbers: A cautionary tale

The following story, recorded in the Book of Mormon, took place in America about 29 to 23 B.C. It’s events are amazingly similar to recent history.

And it came to pass that the Lamanites did hunt the band of robbers of Gadianton; and they did preach the word of God among the more wicked part of them, insomuch that this band of robbers was utterly destroyed from among the Lamanites.
And it came to pass on the other hand, that the Nephites did build them up and support them, beginning at the more wicked part of them, until they had overspread all the land of the Nephites, and had seduced the more part of the righteous until they had come down to believe in their works and partake of their spoils, and to join with them in their secret murders and combinations.
And thus they did obtain the sole management of the government, insomuch that they did trample under their feet and smite and rend and turn their backs upon the poor and the meek, and the humble followers of God.
And thus we see that they were in an awful state, and ripening for an everlasting destruction.

Helaman 6:37-40


Just before telling this tale, Helaman sets the stage by recording that the Nephites were becoming more wicked and the Lamanites more righteous (Helaman 6:34-36). This is contrary to the common shallow understanding of the Book of Mormon that the Nephites are the “good guys” and the Lamanites are the “bad guys.”

There was a “band of robbers” that grew as the people “began to set their heart upon their riches” (Helaman 6:17-18).

These are the infamous “Gadianton robbers.” (This group is well-known, and little understood, among most Latter-day Saints). These robbers were only interested in power and gain (money) and would use any means to achieve their ends.

Outline of the story

Let’s look at just what happens in this story:

  1. Rather than oppose the band of robbers, the Nephites supported them politically so they could share in the spoils.
  2. The robbers even seduced the majority of the members of the Church.
  3. The band of robbers took over the government.
  4. While in charge of the government, the robbers opposed civil rights and cut aid to the poor.
  5. The solution, used early on by the Lamanites, was to preach the Gospel to the robbers until they repented.

Parallels to our day

I believe the warning for us is obvious: 1. Don’t give political support and cover to people who want to take over the government in order to maximize their own power and riches. 2. You can recognize these people by how they treat the poor, the meek, and the humble. 3. Even the members of the Church of Christ can be deceived.

It is tempting to transfer the group names in the story directly over to specific groups today. For example, I could say that the selfish Nephites in the story are the Latter-day Saints, and the Gadianton robbers are the Republican party. Or I could say that the selfish Nephites are the Republicans in Congress and the Gadianton robbers are the wealthy opportunists who have bought their loyalty.

But this is unnecessary to the purpose of the story. The parallels to today do not need to match exactly in order to be instructive. This book, and these stories, have been given to the Latter-day Saints as a word of warning. Will we listen and change our behavior?

ANY group that conspires to gain power and money through illicit and immoral means resembles the Gadianton robbers. Also, ANY group that supports (or excuses) lies, violence, and immoral behavior for the sake of sharing in the spoils, resembles the wicked Nephites.

Is it asking too much to expect Latter-day Saints to not join any such groups?

Aftermath of the story

O, how could you have forgotten your God in the very day that he has delivered you?
But behold, it is to get gain, to be praised of men, yea, and that ye might get gold and silver. And ye have set your hearts upon the riches and the vain things of this world, for the which ye do murder, and plunder, and steal, and bear false witness against your neighbor, and do all manner of iniquity. Helaman 7:20-21

In the following chapters, Helaman records how Nephi continued to preach to the Nephites – from a tower, from prison, and from village to village. Some believed him and repented. Most did not.

The judges (Gadianton robbers who had taken political power) “were angry with him (Nephi) because he spake plainly unto them concerning their secret works of darkness” (Helaman 8: 4). They continually stirred up the people to anger against Nephi.

Nephi continued to grow in spiritual power while the Gadiantons grew more angry and violent. (Remember, they were the political party in power). Soon a multi-year civil war was raging throughout the land.

Eventually Nephi asked the Lord to stop the war with a famine, in the hope that THAT would cause the people to repent. After thousands had died, the rest were finally so desperate that they begged Nephi to ask God to save them. When Nephi believed that the people had finally repented, he did so and the rain came again.

The problem today

The Lord blesses righteous people with abundance. The United States of America has been exceptionally blessed. But comfortable people too often grow selfish, and then jealous. As soon as they start coveting more than they need, or that which others have, the trouble begins.

The “leadership” of the Republican party has long pandered to the worst impulses of its rank and file members for political gain. Since Trump’s loss to Joe Biden, the party has chosen to double down on their adherence to Trump’s Big Lie(s) and they continue to purge from the party anyone who defends truth and honesty (i.e. reality).

Their hunger for power and gain has overcome their respect for law, their deference to democratic traditions and procedures, and even their love of country.

We have seen what they do (and don’t do) when they control the government. These dangerous people still control the Supreme Court. Unless the filibuster is repealed, they will continue to control the US Senate. If we allow them to gain even more power in 2022 or 2024, disruption, devastation, and destruction will surely follow.

The solution

As always, we all should repent early and often. We should take great care to not set our hearts on our riches (as the Book of Mormon warns us repeatedly). And, in our world of modern communications, I believe everyone needs to improve their information literacy skills so as to more easily recognize and avoid lies and deception.

Politically, of course, Latter-day Saint voters should stop supporting Gadianton robber clones for elected office.

5 thoughts on “The band of robbers: A cautionary tale”

  1. It’s really difficult to discuss these matters because almost all LDS, right wingers and liberals, have no understanding of economics, and especially Marxian economics, i.e. Surplus Value. Search youtube for “pig karl marx explains surplus value.”

  2. There are a lot of theories of economics but the bottom line is whatever an individual or a society spends it money on (a measure of economics) is an indicator of spirituality. If one group gives tax breaks to the rich and increases the burden on the poor, that groups is lacking in spirituality. I’ve also noticed that many LDS are starting to feel uncomfortable with the GOP and its platform yet they won’t call it out with excuses saying that evil exists on both sides. That may have been true 50 years ago but today, the choice is much more clear. Liberal is a word that has been slandered for many years. Do you want God to reward you liberally or conservatively? In their times were George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, or Abraham Lincoln liberal or conservative? For that matter was Christ a liberal or a conservative, he helped the poor, ate with the sinners, and forgave the adulterous woman. So do we manifest our spirituality with our economic choices and do so willingly and liberally.

  3. We have dodged a bullet. Trump nearly succeeded in establishing a fascist dictatorship in our country. And he may yet make it. Do LDS comprehend this? No they don’t. Will the Church give us any protection the next couple of years against this fascist movement? I don’t know, but I’m not optimistic.

  4. GOP = Gadiantons on Parade
    Nevertheless, I think there are members of secret combinations in both parties.

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