The “Law and Order” party?

I don’t really see how you can have it both ways, to claim to be the party of law and order and then to denounce trials that don’t come out the way you want them to.

William Galston

The United States of America was created was created as a nation of laws based upon our founding Constitution. This was a direct reaction to the European monarchies many Americans had fled in order to find religious and/or economic freedom. The English King was seen as a dictatorial despot who should have no control over the lives of the people in America.

According to the Constitution, the laws in this country were to be made by elected representatives of the people, and the decisions of the courts would require a fair trial before a jury of one’s peers. The Executive, Legislative, and Judicial powers were given to three co-equal branches of government who each were given ways to act as check on the power of others.

These Constitutional requirements resulted in the best justice system in the world. Within the judicial system, the rules of procedure, the rules of evidence, and the right to appeal provide a fair and balanced opportunity for any defendant to present his best case and be heard.

The essence of America is to believe in our system of government and our rule of law.

Michael Beschloss

Attacking the justice system

However, having been taken over by the cult of Trumpism, the Republican party, with its big money financial backers, and its propaganda media, has now turned against the US Justice system. The political party that once called itself “the party of law and order” now opposes our system of justice because it is acting to hold their cult leader responsible for his illegal actions.

In other words, the Republican party doesn’t like the justice system when it works. They want a judicial system that treats privileged white men differently than everyone else. They want a system where money can buy “justice.”

It’s almost funny when you notice that after the verdict in the New York City “hush money” trial all of the Republicans expressed variations of the same, whiney, talking points: “Banana republic,” “corrupt,” “partisan,” “rigged,” “un-American,” “a disgrace,” They all said or inferred that President Biden was behind the jury’s decision – completely failing to notice that President Biden was NOT on the jury. House Speaker Mike Johnson (who is second in line for the Presidency) said the day of the verdict was, “A shameful day in American history.”

After the verdict, the Political Director of the Republican National Committee, James Blair, had a call with all 50 Republican State Chairs to give them talking points. This is a tactic used to keep everybody in the party “on message.” The Republican message is “Courts bad, Trump victim.” The effect of this messaging, at least among the MAGA faithful, is to undermine the justice system in America – to literally undermine the rule of law and order.

The chief cause of the problem

The driving force behind this attack on our Constitution is, of course, the toxic narcissist Donald Trump himself. He has long said that both our electoral system and our judicial system are “rigged,” and he has promised “retribution” if he ever comes back into power.

This dangerous man, who wants to again take an oath to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States,” does not believe that the laws and procedures of our country apply to him.

Trump’s tactics and his capacity to shape the views of his supporters — with the aid of the conservative media machine — will inevitably mean that the legal system will join the electoral system as another essential institution of American governance that is now viewed as illegitimate by millions of citizens.

Stephen Collinson

The system works

People who choose to believe Trump’s lies about the trial do not understand how the justice system works.

First, the New York trial was a state trial, under state jurisdiction for a violation of state laws. The Federal government, and the Federal Justice Department had nothing to do with the process at all. Indeed, the Biden administration couldn’t have interfered with the process had they WANTED to. It is also important to note here that the Biden administration has NEVER interfered with the Justice Department. The Hunter Biden case should make this point clear. It was the Trump administration that kept interfering with the Justice Department.

Second, The jury selection process allowed lawyers for BOTH sides to participate in the jury selection. Every time Trump whines that the jury was “”not fair,” we must remember that HIS LAWYERS helped select that jury.

Third, Trump keeps claiming that “they” wouldn’t let him testify — that he wanted to testify. The important fact here is that the “they” were HIS OWN LAWYERS! As the one who hired them, he could have insisted that he be allowed to testify if he had truly wanted to. But, no, he is better at whining about missed opportunities than actually speaking under an oath to tell the truth.

Fourth, unlike the general public, juries get all the facts before they make a judgement. They all get the same information at the same time. They hear the truth — backed by material evidence and witnesses who are under oath — and then act on it. The members of this jury had very different backgrounds, but they unanimously arrived at the same conclusion – 34 times.

Most Americans don’t get real news. They base their opinions on persuasive, often inflammatory, nonsense and unfiltered, unedited, un-fact-checked, social media. In Trump’s New York trail, the jury got all the facts for 21 days. before they considered their verdict.

Protecting the guilty

No matter how FauxNews tries to spin it, the New York case proves that our justice system works. A notoriously slippery defendant was at last held accountable for his illegal behavior. The loud-mouth Republicans who constantly attack the courts, the judges, the witnesses, and even the laws, are not upholding law and order. They are trying to protect a guilty man from the consequences of his actions.

Donald Trump is now a felon. His campaign chairman was a felon. So was his deputy campaign manager, his personal lawyer, his chief strategist, his national security advisor, his trade advisor, his foreign policy advisor, his campaign fixer and his company’s CFO. They’re all felons. Judged by the company you keep — it’s a cabal of convicts.

Colin Cowherd

America must decide

In the 2024 election, America will decide if it wants to continue having a government of laws, and not of men. Unfortunately, half the country is completely uninformed and misinformed about the consequences that could befall us. Millions of American voters are locked into a pro-Trump news bubble. The media they have chosen to exclusively listen to only feeds them lies and “spin” that favors authoritarianism.

Please consider this. Donald Trump says “the system” is “rigged” and should be disregarded. He advocates for the both Justice Department and the FBI to be dismantled and/or brought under the direct control of a “unitary” (ie. “dictatorial”) President. He also wants the voting process to be brought under the control of the Republican party (to “protect” it).

My question is, “How do Trump’s proposed policies actually help you and your family? Will you be better off under an arbitrary, authoritarian, Trump dictatorship than you are now? Do you really believe that America will be a safer place when Trump pardons the convicted January 6th rioters?

Does “Freedom” really mean rounding people up and putting then into detention camps? Or having politicians dictate the health decisions of women? Or restricting the voting rights of minorities? Or making legal decisions based upon one’s net worth?

Trump said, “If they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone.” For once, he accidentally told the truth. If you pay off a porn star to buy her silence and then falsify business records to hide the payment, all for the purpose of influencing an election – you too will face justice.

Trump’s tactic here is to assume that everyone in America believes that illegal behaviors should have no consequences. Like the child caught with the cookie, he believes that he, and we, should be able to lie our way out of any consequences for our actions. He actually wants us to see him as the person who will let us get away with bad behavior.

They’re not coming after me. They’re coming after you – and I’m just standing in their way.”

Donald J. Trump

Sadly, this disgusting promise actually appeals to many people. For some reason, it is particularly appealing to professed Christians (!!!).

Americans have to decide if we still believe in the rule of law or not. If we do, it is absolutely imperative that we defeat Trump, and as many of his Republican cultists as we can, this November.

If it is Trump who raises his hand to swear to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution on January 20 as the 47th president, America will be led by a criminal whose duties will include being the symbolic head of the justice system. The danger is acute because with his attempt to stay in power after losing the 2020 election, Trump has already shown he will do what it takes to save himself, even if his actions catastrophically hurt democratic institutions.

Stephen Collinson

Alexandra Hutzler, “GOP’s ‘law and order’ message at odds with their defense of Trump,” ABCNews, June 1, 2024.
Stephen Collinson, “Trump conviction heralds a somber and volatile moment in American history,” CNN, May 31, 2024.
Mika Brzezinski, “‘What I just heard makes me sick’: Michael Beschloss reacts to GOP defense of Trump,Morning Joe, MSNBC, May 31, 2024.
Rachel Maddow, “Trump’s threats and bluster fail to intimidate Americans who see guilty verdict as reasonable.” The Rachel Maddow Show, MSNBC, June 3, 2024.
Nicolle Wallace, “Desperate Donald Trump and his GOP allies urge Supreme Court to act after guilty verdict,” Deadline White House, MSNBC, June 3, 2024.
Joy Reid, “‘Retribution’: GOP vows to weaponize government to avenge Trump felony convictions, The Reidout, MSNBC, June 5, 2024.
Stephanie Ruhle, “‘Republicans are the pro-crime party’: What the GOP revenge threats reveal,” The 11th Hour, MSNBC, June 6, 2024.

2 thoughts on “The “Law and Order” party?”

  1. Republicans like to wrap themselves in the Constitution which created a Federal Government out of a Confederacy of States and the Articles of Confederation. Yet watch any Republican ad on TV and they rail about the Federal Government and its overreach, what a croc. Yes, states gave up their rights to form a Federal Constitution but only 13 did that. After they ratified the Constitution, it was the Federal Government that granted a state its rights and allowed it to operate within the Federal System. States have tried to take back their rights like during the Civil War but it was only an argument that developed after the war was lost for the Confederacy. Before the Civil War, it was all about Slavery and the economic system that accompanied it. So now we have Republicans campaigning on State’s Rights, anti-Federal rhetoric. They also cast doubt on the very foundations of what made our country, elections, the justice system, public education, and tolerance of our differences. It’s sad but the party of law and order has become the party of chaos, lies, disorder, disharmony, and anti justice for all.

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