Trump will NOT “Fix It”

When I recently asked someone why she voted for Trump, she said “Trump will fix it.” I don’t think she realized that she was quoting, verbatim, a slogan from the Trump propaganda machine. On election night this meaningless, but appealing, slogan was actually printed on the front of the podium as he spoke.

Thus we see that sloganeering (and name-calling and bullying and blind hero worship) has now completely replaced rational thought in the minds of a majority of Americans.

In the real world, however, it is important to understand that Trump will NOT “Fix It.” There are two very important reasons for this: 1. He cannot. He does not have the mental capacity to solve difficult problems. 2. He will not be allowed to. The people behind him do not want to “fix” anything. They are the problem.

Trump is incompetent.

Donald J. Trump is lazy. He spent most of his Presidency golfing or watching TV. He is practically illiterate. He does not read briefing papers or policy documents. His vocabulary is at a fourth grade level. He cannot focus on an agenda. He is easily distracted. He does not know the difference between a slogan and a policy. The only thing that interests him is adulation.

After campaigning against the Affordable Care Act for nearly a decade, including the four years he spent in office, he announced during the September 2024 Presidential debate that he now has “concepts of a plan.”

Regarding Ukraine, Trump has promised to “settle the war in 24 hours.” This is another sounds-good, Trump as strongman, slogan, but it will not, cannot, actually happen in the real world. Even if Trump pressures Ukraine to completely surrender, (which is a possibility, given Trump’s love of Putin) working out the details will still take longer than 24 hours. And when exactly, Donald, should we start the clock?

This guy is NOT a problem solver. He delays, changes the subject, and rambles around topics nonsensically. If he ever faces something serious, he claims unfairness and blames others for the problem. Trump is a chaos agent. I doubt he could change a light bulb.

The fascist powers behind Trump have their own agenda

Trump likes to claim that he is supported by “very good people.” By “good,” of course, he means that they flatter him and make him feel important. His only criteria for hiring someone is how obsequious they are to him. Like any mob boss, loyalty is the only thing that matters to Trump.

His insecurity leads him to surround himself with yes-men and women, who are generally not experts, or even minimally qualified, in the responsibilities they are given. In his first administration he quickly found himself at odds with those lawyers and advisors who tried to teach him anything about the legal and moral restraints on a President’s power.

This time, those people will be gone. America will be at the mercy of Trump’s slightest whim. Just before he left office in 2025, Trump’s minions unveiled a plan to remove civil service protections and reclassify 2.2 million Federal workers as “at will” employees. This would allow Trump to fire anyone he doesn’t consider to be “loyal” enough.

In his second term, there will be an even a bigger problem than the idiot Rudy Giuliani, the racist Stephen Miller, and the iconoclastic Steve Bannon. Trump has attracted the attention of powerful millionaires and billionaires who intend to use him to remake (enslave, might be more accurate) America.

Besides the clownish South African racist, Elon Musk, and the authoritarian fascist, Peter Thiel (the money behind J.D. Vance), there are thousands of scary rich people behind Project 2025 to whom Trump is just a “useful idiot” He is a front man that they will manipulate in order to achieve their dark plans.

If you have not yet glanced at Project 2025, you probably should (link below). It is creepy scary. America will be very different, and most of use will be worse off, 4 years from now.

Nina Burleigh, “Trump speaks at fourth-grade level, Lowest of last 15 U.S. Presidents, New analysis finds,” Newsweek, January 8, 2018.
Edith Olmstead, “‘Concepts of a Plan’: Trump roasted for having no clue what he’s doing,” The New Republic, September 10, 2024.
Edith M. Lederer, “Trump says he can end the Russia-Ukraine war in one day. Russia’s UN ambassador says he can’t,” Associated Press, July 2, 2024.
Lucy Davalou, “Trump’s unpredictable policies could alter the course of war in Ukraine,” EuroNews, August 11, 2024.
Molly Weisner, “Biden administration finalizes rule to prevent return of Schedule F,” Federal Times, April 4, 2024.
Paul Dans and Stephen Groves, “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise,” Project 2025, 2024. (Important note: You can download the pdf for free, but I wouldn’t give them your real email address!)

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