If American democracy ceases to move forward as a living force, seeking day and night by peaceful means to better the lot of our citizens, fascism will grow in strength in our land.
Franklin Roosevelt
Umberto Eco (1932 – 2016) was an Italian philosopher, cultural critic, novelist, and political and social commentator. He grew up in Italy during the years of Mussolini. In June of 1995 he published an article in the New York Review of Books about fascism, a subject he knew well.
In the article, Eco outlined a list of features that are typical of what he called “Ur-Fascism” or “Eternal Fascism.” He allowed that fascism in different countries takes on different combinations of these characteristics and may not have all of them. Yet, he argued, the presence of even one of these characteristics could serve as a seed for fascism to grow anywhere.
- The cult of tradition. This is the belief that the truth is already known once and for all. Fascists believe there is no need to advance in learning.
- The rejection of modernism. Fascists reject the Enlightenment and its evidence-based rationality.
- The cult of action for action’s sake. Fascist leaders act impulsively, without thinking or planning ahead.
- No analytical criticism. Fascists ignore nuance and see any disagreement as treasonous.
- Fear of difference. Fascists fear diversity. Thus they are racist by definition.
- Appeal to a frustrated middle class. An economically frustrated and/or politically marginalized middle class is easy to stir to anger.
- Obsession with a plot. Because the followers must be made to feel besieged, an internal “enemy” is provided: Immigrants, Muslims, Hispanics, Blacks. (Historically the Jews were often made to be “the enemy.”)
- Anti-elitism. The followers are made to feel humiliated by the wealth and strength of the educated “elite.” This is used to create resentment.
- Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy. Fascists believe that life is permanent warfare. Therefore a desire for peace is treasonous.
- Contempt for the weak. A fascist leader despises his underlings, who in turn despise those under them. They all either mock or ignore the poor, the sick, and the disabled.
- The cult of heroism. The Fascist is eager to die a hero’s death. In his impatience, he frequently sends other people to their deaths.
- Machismo. Fascists show disdain for women, disregard for chastity, and condemnation of homosexuality.
- Selective populism. Under fascism, the “voice of the people” is not the democratic majority, but only the voices of those who support the leader.
- Ur-fascism speaks Newspeak. Just as in Orwell’s 1984, Fascists use an impoverished vocabulary and an elementary syntax to limit complex and critical reasoning.
Every one of these dangerous characteristics is present in the Trump White House.

When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.
Sinclair Lewis
Sources: Crawford Killian, “Fourteen Steps to Fascism,” The Tyee, July 30, 2018.
Umberto Eco, “Ur-Fascism,” The New York Review of Books, June 22, 1995.
Stanislao Pugliese. “A Specter Haunting America: Trump and Italian Fascism,” La Voce di New York, November 20, 2016.
Brian Ferguson, “10 Tactics of Fascism,” Insight, June 27, 2022.
If Trump retains power we will have fascism for sure. The vast bulk of the LDS population seems ignorant of this. Why?
I agree with you on Trump. As for members of the church, look at the fourteen signs again and then apply them to your Elder’s quorum and the class discussions. There is always someone who exhibits some of those signs. It’s part of our culture, which I hate to say or point out but it seems apparent, at least in my ward.
#1 Tradition!
LDS can only criticize Trump when they receive permission to do so, like say, in the Deseret News.
I’m LDS and I haven’t asked for permission to criticize Trump. I do so at every opportunity. Indeed, I feel licensed to do so by the scriptures. D&C 98:9-10
“Nevertheless, when the wicked rule, the people mourn.” (205,000 dead in the US and counting, largely because Trump would rather let people die than tank the economomy and then loose the election.)
“Wherefore, honest men and wise men should be sought for diligently, and good men and wise men should ye observe to uphold; otherwise whatsoever is less than this cometh of evil.”
Consider the 25,000 likes, the children in cages, the most openly corrupt and scandal ridden administration since Harding, 90% decline in white colar crime prosecutions, $750 tax from one who takes hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to play golf at his own resorts, legalizing pollution, gassing and beating peaceful protestors to pose with a Bible, “fine people on both sides,” “grab em by the pussy,” “when you are famous, you can get away with anything,” and endlessly et cetera.
Upholding that, even to stack the courts to support the flatteries of Amalekiah, is evil.
Kevin Christensen
Canonsburg, PA
So now Trump is Covid positive. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy!! This is now Conference weekend. Will we receive any guidance, ANY guidance in dealing with the emergent Trump fascist dictatorship? I very much doubt it. We shall see. I hope for the best.