15 Features of Authoritarianism

On January 24, 2017, Polish journalist and activist Martin Mycielsky published a piece on Twitter called “Year 1 Under Authoritarianism: What to Expect.” He did this warn Americans about what to expect during Trump’s first year in office, and to encourage us to fight back. (Interestingly, the document is still there, on Musk’s “X.”) Later … Read more

Disaster ahead!!

After his first month back in office, the direction that Trump plans to take our country is now frighteningly clear. His ignorant toxic narcissism has set us up for disaster on many fronts. National weakness The Donald has always been in thrall to the dictators and strongmen of the world. Now he is actively weakening … Read more

What does Jesus think of DEI?

The Trump/Musk administration, under the direction of the wealthy fascists behind Project 2025, is going crazy trying to root “DEI” out of every part of the government. Actually, of course, they are just using “DEI” as a boogeyman phrase to hide what they are really doing – which is firing people they don’t like, freezing … Read more

Lawlessness at the Top

The heart of the American experiment in democracy, indeed, the heart of civilization generally, is respect for law and order. Various empires throughout history have kept “law and order” through force or threat of force, but in a Constitutional democracy the law, and the scope of authority of those who make the laws, and limits … Read more

Government of Fools

Kakistocracy, noun – a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens. Donald J. Trump has been nominating candidates for positions in his government. The list is very revealing about both Trump himself and about the type of government he is about to subject us to. He started out with his ill-fated … Read more

Trump will NOT “Fix It”

When I recently asked someone why she voted for Trump, she said “Trump will fix it.” I don’t think she realized that she was quoting, verbatim, a slogan from the Trump propaganda machine. On election night this meaningless, but appealing, slogan was actually printed on the front of the podium as he spoke. Thus we … Read more

Spencer Cox joins the Trump cult

It is a long-understood tradition that once one swears fealty to a Mafia boss, one is immediately pressured to perform an illegal act. This serves to prove your loyalty to the gang, and also gives them a blackmail tool to guarantee your future loyalty. Performing the required illegal act debases the new recruit and proves … Read more