The Collapse of Civilization

In his 2005 book “Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed,” Jared Diamond listed three indicators that a society was going to collapse. He based his findings on a study of three historical societies: the Pueblo civilization in Chaco Canyon between 850 and 1250 CE, the Mayan civilization in Mesoamerica from 250 to 950 … Read more

Your slice of the pie

Before you decide which candidates to vote for, before you decide which political party best represents you, before you champion politicians whom you believe have your best interests in mind, it is very important that you examine the chart above. It contains the latest information about just who owns the United States. Stolen pie Americans … Read more

Two different approaches to the law

Now that the Justice Department has indicted the former President on 31 counts of “willful retention” of classified documents, the Republican propaganda machine is going wild. Of interest to members of the LDS Church should be the vastly differing responses of Utah’s two Republican senators. Mitt Romney Like all Americans, Mr. Trump is entitled to … Read more

Avoiding politics in church meetings?

It is well-known that politics can be divisive. This is especially true in our current climate of distrust, class division, and demonization of political opponents. In LDS Church meetings the general understanding is “We shouldn’t discuss politics in Church.” This frequently heard statement is based on a vague sense of an actual Church policy (which, … Read more