The Father of our modern-day Gadianton robbers

“And seeing the people in a state of such awful wickedness, and those Gadianton robbers filling the judgment-seats—having usurped the power and authority of the land; laying aside the commandments of God, and not in the least aright before him; doing no justice unto the children of men; “Condemning the righteous because of their righteousness; … Read more

The Bubble of Lies

James Comey, the former director of the FBI, is concerned about leaders “who will lie about anything,” followers “who will believe anything,” and media sources “that will say anything.” He is encouraging Americans to “break out of that bubble and seek truth.” In an earlier tweet, he said, “Facts matter” and accused Republicans of attacking … Read more

Gratitude: A duty or an expression of joy?

“Gratitude is central to Mr. Trump’s politics. He demands it of his followers, his cabinet and, indeed, of all citizens. He deploys gratitude against his enemies and critics to embarrass and shame. Being grateful is not an option. It is a requirement. Donald Trump has made “thank you” divisive.” — Diana Butler Bass Like Caesar … Read more

If you care about the Republican Party, vote against all their candidates

“The Republican Party, as an institution, has become a danger to the rule of law and the integrity of our democracy. The problem is not just Donald Trump; it’s the larger political apparatus that made a conscious decision to enable him. In a two-party system, nonpartisanship works only if both parties are consistent democratic actors. … Read more