Avoiding contention?

He that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who is the father of contention, and he stirreth up the hearts of men to contend with anger, one with another. Behold, this is not my doctrine, to stir up the hearts of men with anger, one against another; … Read more

The Republican party is a dangerous cult

You know, Trump’s most fervent supporters … are not open to reason or not open to arguments. CBS News just put out a poll that suggests that Trump’s voters value him as a source of truth by eight points more than they value their friends and family and by thirty points more than they value … Read more

Trumpism in the Book of Mormon

Alma chapter 2 introduces us to Amlici. This alarming story is so close to what has happened, and is happening, in America today it should be seen as a prophetic warning. If you believe the Book of Mormon to be a true book of scripture, then these events happened approximately 2,100 years ago. If you … Read more

Sociopaths among us

The culture war is not fundamentally between left and right, liberal and conservative, progressive and reactionary, tolerant and intolerant.Fundamentally it has nothing to do with ideals, values or visions of the future. It’s a fight between decent people and sociopaths. Jeremy Sherman I have been perplexed for years how supposedly decent, good-hearted, moral, people – … Read more

Wicked King Noah: A story for our day

The Sunday School lesson I taught on the third Sunday of May was on Mosiah chapters 11 through 17. These chapters tell of a wicked king (Noah) and a prophet (Abinadi) who was sent to call the king and his people to repentance. This story is alarmingly relevant to our lives today. (As you will … Read more

The war against Israel is a war against western democracy

I must admit that the Hamas/Hezbollah/Houthi/Syria/Iraq/Iran axis is very good at propaganda. They seem to have fooled a large number of, otherwise progressive, college students and Democrats that the state of Israel is the bad guy and Hamas is the good guy in the current war in Gaza. Oh, they will say that they are … Read more

The vanity of populism

An essential component of populist rhetoric is telling the people what they want to hear. Many politicians throughout history have attracted mass followings by simply reinforcing people’s selfish beliefs and prejudices – including their misconceptions. Donald J. Trump, along with his supportive right-wing media, is a master at this type of manipulation. Creating an enemy … Read more

They that wait

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter-days have both a special relationship to, and a special responsibility toward, the Jewish people. I have always had a warm place in my heart for them, but since the horrific terrorist attack on Israel on October 7, 2023 I have been particularly concerned for their … Read more