The war against Israel is a war against western democracy

I must admit that the Hamas/Hezbollah/Houthi/Syria/Iraq/Iran axis is very good at propaganda. They seem to have fooled a large number of, otherwise progressive, college students and Democrats that the state of Israel is the bad guy and Hamas is the good guy in the current war in Gaza. Oh, they will say that they are … Read more

A short history of Palestine

The area now called Israel, the West Bank, Gaza, and Jordan has a long history of being ruled by many different kingdoms – including ancient Israel and Judah. The area was ruled by the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire from 1516 until the end of World War 1. (The Turks had sided with the Germans). The entire … Read more

The Republican War on America


The First Russian Revolution of 1905 failed (though it did lead to some reform). Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (better known as Lenin) called it the “The Great Dress Rehearsal.” In 1917 Lenin came back from exile and founded Soviet Russia, which eventually became the Soviet Union in 1922. Adolf Hitler’s 1923 “Beer Hall Putsch,” an attempted … Read more