Rich People are Measurably More Dishonest

Seven scientific studies have shown that people from higher economic classes behave more unethically than people from lower economic classes. Specifically, the studies showed that rich people were more likely to lie in a negotiation, cheat to win a prize, and endorse unethical behavior at work. Two of the studies showed results that cause me … Read more

Getting Away with Murder

This past week, Casey Anthony, the so called “tot mom” was found not guilty of killing her 2 year old daughter Caylee. I did not follow the media circus surrounding this case, but apparently many Americans believe Casey got away with murder.  On his Friday night HBO show “Real Time,” host Bill Maher openly equated … Read more

Mission (Finally) Accomplished

Osama bin Laden was killed yesterday in Pakistan in a focused, 40-minute, US military operation. Today, many in the US and around the world are celebrating. According to President Obama’s announcement on television last night, the first intelligence pointing to bin Laden’s location appeared last August. This means that the planning, from first hint to … Read more

Fire the Rich

The March-April 2011 issue of UTNE Reader has reprinted an essay from Counter Punch by Davis Macaray entitled, Fire the Rich: A radical fix for the economy that greed destroyed. Here is an excerpt: Shrinking incomes, fewer jobs … but bigger corporate profits. Not a good sign.Yet when you broach the dreaded subject of “class … Read more

Church and State

I voted today. Eight days before the official election day. I like early voting. There was no line to wait in. However, the early polling place was in the LDS Bountiful Regional Center. This is the building where all of the many LDS Stakes in South Davis County, Utah, hold their quarterly conferences. It is … Read more

Designated Driver

The other day I got a nice letter from President Obama. Of course, it was just a fundraising letter for the Democratic National Committee, but I like the analogy the President used. Speaking of the Republicans he said: “First, they drove the car into the ditch. Then they made it as difficult as possible for … Read more

Sen. Tom Harkin – Speaking Truth in the Senate

Once in a while someone will tell the Truth publicly, plainly, and directly. That person is usually ignored or attacked. Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) gave an important speech in the Senate yesterday that should be read by every American. The Congressional elections this Fall should not even be close. That they probably will be is … Read more

The Truth about the “Big Bad Deficit”

The right wing folks — from the tea party crazies, to the radio and TV hate mongers, to the obstructionist Republican office holders —  are all in a lather lately about budget deficits.EXCUSE ME?Didn’t ya’ll support George W. and his “free market” deregulation (ie. the “Free-for-all market” which became the “Free-fall market”), and his tax … Read more