Post-election 2002

I am in day 3 of my post-election depression. It scares me that G.W. (Shrub) Bush now has control of both houses of Congress. Look for more tax cuts for the rich, fewer jobs and less job security, more hunger, fewer people with health care insurance, reduced education spending (except to buy more tests!), increases … Read more

Wasting Utah

Well, the Senate voted to support the Republican House today and declare Nevada’s “Yucca Mountain” to be the country’s permanent nuclear waste repository. Of course, Utah’s 2 Senators, Hatch and Bennett, voted in favor of transporting the nations’s nuclear waste through Utah neighborhoods on trucks on their way to Nevada. The ludicrous thing is that … Read more

Corporate Irresponsibility

I just heard on NBC-TV news that G.W.Bush is going to get tougher on corporate wrongdoing. The picture of him standing in front of a backdrop that said “Corporate Responsibility” made me laugh and laugh and laugh…I’m sure we will all feel much safer now that the foxes are going to watch the henhouse even … Read more

The Pork Game

The cover story of U.S. News and World Report for May 13, 2002 is about War Profiteering. A series of articles point out how money is the name of the game in corporate America, and that tragedies such as 9/11/2001 are cynically used as excuses to grab even more money from the American taxpayer The … Read more

Religious Police

Saudis Said To Let Girls Die in Fire Monday, March 18, 2002 BY TAREK AL-ISSAWI THE ASSOCIATED PRESS DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Government-run newspapers in Saudi Arabia have accused the country’s religious police of preventing the rescue of girls trapped in a school fire because they were not wearing the long dresses and head … Read more

New Blog!

Welcome to my new Blog! My name is Brian Ferguson and I am a Mormon Democrat. I realize that may seem like an oxymoron to some, but I not only believe that the two are not incompatible but that they positively reinforce each other. I am currently wrting a book called “Why Good Mormons Must … Read more