A conservative Mormon speaks out against “hate mongers”

Lynn M. Hansen, former Reagan-appointed ambassador and recently-returned LDS mission president in Germany, wrote a guest column in the Ogden, Utah Standard-Examiner this past week entitled “Obama, Reid, Pelosi deserve our thanks.” The focus of Hansen’s article is on why health care reform is good and was necessary and I strongly recommend everyone read it, print it, and pass it around.

Still, what I found more even interesting was what he has to say about “half-truths,” “hate-mongers,” and civility in public discourse:

“Until the administration of George W. Bush, I was an avid Republican and served in the Reagan and Bush (senior) administrations as a political appointee. But I will not allow Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh to define conservatism for me, nor will I accept the half-truths and invectives with which they pollute the airways.

Those who listen to these hate-mongers should realize that they have become millionaires by peddling the views they do. I recall Limbaugh frequently stating that he hoped Obama would fail. That is tantamount to wishing America would fail for Obama is our freely elected president.
What has happened to civility in this country? I did not vote for Obama but we, the American people, did. 
… For as long as he is president, I will respect the office of president and the person who occupies it.
Paul Rolly wrote an opinion piece about Hansen’s article in the Salt Lake Tribune. He said he had contacted Hansen about the response to his article. Hansen told Rolly that he had received more positive than negative responses, but that one woman told him he was “an agent of Satan.”