The opposite of “woke” is “asleep”

Right-wing Republicans, at the behest of their meme masters at FauxNews, are loudly fighting a war against “wokeism.” As usual, they do not bother to define the term. They simply use the terms “woke” and “wokeism” as weaponized catchall terms to represent the fictional nefarious program of the imaginary “evil libs” that they fear. The … Read more

Two different approaches to the law

Now that the Justice Department has indicted the former President on 31 counts of “willful retention” of classified documents, the Republican propaganda machine is going wild. Of interest to members of the LDS Church should be the vastly differing responses of Utah’s two Republican senators. Mitt Romney Like all Americans, Mr. Trump is entitled to … Read more

Techno Feudalism: Our new masters

Traditional capitalism is dead. It has been for a while. As far as the really big money and power is concerned, the traditional industries, manufacturing, construction, and transportation, with their long-standing tension between capital and labor, were replaced by finance beginning in the 1980s. Finance is an interesting “industry” because, for all its self-importance, obscene … Read more

“Greedflation” and the end of Capitalism

Something seems to have broken with capitalism. Albert Edwards Albert Edwards is an economist for the Societe Generale investment bank. He is concerned that capitalism is no longer working as it should. During a time of a slowing economy – with higher commodity prices and a labor shortage (as during the 4th quarter of 2022) … Read more

A Prophet calls for greater civility

At the end of the Sunday Morning session of the April 2023 General Conference, LDS Church President Russell M. Nelson expressed concern about the loss of civility and decency in the world. Civility and decency seem to have disappeared during this era of polarization and passionate disagreements. Vulgarity, faultfinding, and evil speaking of others are … Read more

The Republican Assault on the Rule of Law

Our institutions of democracy and law have been under vicious attack for years now – that is from within, not from without the United States. And these vicious attacks are unsustainable and unendurable. They’ve already taken their toll on American democracy and American law in their impact, and the consequence of their impact, on the … Read more

“Take no thought”

In the Sermon on the Mount, immediately after Jesus tells His followers to lay up treasures in heaven, not Earth, and says “Ye cannot serve God AND mammon,” He told his followers to stop worrying about food and clothing. Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or … Read more