Republicans sink deeper into corruption

It is becoming increasingly clear that Republicans will stop at nothing, stoop to any low, violate any standard, breach any convention, and even violate the law, in order to gain and maintain political power. Exhibit 1, GeorgiaIn Georgia, the Secretary of State is in charge of elections. While serving in this office, Brian Kemp purged … Read more

The Republican Party is dangerous to democracy

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the United States need to wake up from their political naivety and recognize that our country is in serious danger. At one time it may have been true that both the Republican and Democratic parties consisted of well-meaning, loyal citizens who loved their country, … Read more

Playing “Ain’t It Awful” in Church

Psychologist Eric Berne taught that people sometimes get caught up in interactions that follow a pre-defined pattern and progress to a predictable outcome. He called these interactions “Games” and described a number of these games in detail in his 1964 best-seller, Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships.  One game that is common in … Read more