Republicans hurt people

The veil is off. The pretense is gone. What has long been visible to the discerning is now blatantly obvious to all. Republican policy hurts people. It hurts them deliberately and mercilessly. If you cannot see it now, your sense of intellectual discernment and your moral compass are both severely compromised. You need to be … Read more

Eight false beliefs voters cling to

Many Americans will be basing their voting decisions this year on strongly held beliefs that are complete nonsense. Don’t misunderstand me. I am not saying that voters are stupid. I am saying that they often don’t do their homework thoroughly and are therefore easily deceived by simplistic slogans, false conspiracies, and fake outrage. Even worse, … Read more

The Taliban have taken Texas

Of course the militant political group from Afghanistan has not physically invaded the state of Texas, but their essential ideology HAS taken over. Texas is now officially on record as supporting the harassment of women; the open display of weapons in public; attacks on science, doctors, and public health efforts; voter suppression; and right-wing intrusion … Read more

This time, A Texas Church

I don’t want to write about a mass shooting every month. Twenty-six more people were killed Sunday by that same AR-15 type assault rifle that had once been banned. The Republicans, once again, are dismissing the need to deal with this growing crisis. They are spinning the same old story about how “mental health” is … Read more

This time, Las Vegas

“Every conversation about gun deaths should begin by recognizing one blindingly clear fact about this problem — the United States is on its own planet. The gun-related death rate in the United States is 10 times that of other advanced industrial countries. Places such as Japan and South Korea have close to zero gun-related deaths … Read more