15 Features of Authoritarianism

On January 24, 2017, Polish journalist and activist Martin Mycielsky published a piece on Twitter called “Year 1 Under Authoritarianism: What to Expect.” He did this warn Americans about what to expect during Trump’s first year in office, and to encourage us to fight back. (Interestingly, the document is still there, on Musk’s “X.”) Later … Read more

8 Fundamentals of Brainwashing

In 1961, psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton published Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism, which is a book on the psychology of brainwashing (which he called “thought reform”). Lifton’s research subjects included American servicemen who had been held captive during the Korean War, and Chinese people who had fled their homeland after having been indoctrinated … Read more

Should we believe him?

There are a number of recent news stories about the ways the incoming President-elect’s policies will likely hurt the Americans who voted for him. People who have undocumented family members somehow seem to believe that Trump’s plans for mass deportations will not affect their relatives. People who depend on government benefits that Trump has promised … Read more

The Republican party is a dangerous cult

You know, Trump’s most fervent supporters … are not open to reason or not open to arguments. CBS News just put out a poll that suggests that Trump’s voters value him as a source of truth by eight points more than they value their friends and family and by thirty points more than they value … Read more

The “tumult of opinions”

In the year 1820, the area around Manchester, New York was caught up in “an unusual excitement on the subject of religion.” Joseph Smith noted that it “created no small stir and division amongst the people.” He further noted that: Notwithstanding the great love which the converts to these different faiths expressed at the time … Read more

Deceiving the Saints

And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words. Colossians 2:4 Beguile (verb) – HOODWINK: To lead by deception Merriam-Webster Dictionary The apostle Paul warned the members of the church against people who would try to deceive them. His warning is even more pertinent today. There are many people and organizations … Read more

Escaping Trumpland

It’s not easy to change one’s mind. It is not easy to admit a mistake. It is not easy to abandon familiar people and places — even when you know they are evil and corrupt. It is not easy even when you know leaving them will lead you to a new world of clarity and … Read more

Spreading hatred at Christmas time

While shopping three days before Christmas, I saw a group of 3 or 4 young men walk by a large display of Christmas wrapping paper that was on sale. One of them said, gleefully, “I’d like to take all the Democrats and wrap them all up in a ball and throw them away!” I was … Read more