Republicans hurt people

The veil is off. The pretense is gone. What has long been visible to the discerning is now blatantly obvious to all. Republican policy hurts people. It hurts them deliberately and mercilessly. If you cannot see it now, your sense of intellectual discernment and your moral compass are both severely compromised. You need to be … Read more

Priestcraft in America

One of the Book of Mormon’s many cautionary tales for our day is contained in Alma chapter 1. This chapter tells the story of the demagogue Nehor. Nehor went about preaching that every priest and teacher should become popular and be supported financially by the people. Nehor quickly became very popular because he taught that … Read more

Your slice of the pie

Before you decide which candidates to vote for, before you decide which political party best represents you, before you champion politicians whom you believe have your best interests in mind, it is very important that you examine the chart above. It contains the latest information about just who owns the United States. Stolen pie Americans … Read more

The Sound of Moral Indignation

Some people on Facebook are beginning to rave about a new movie called “The Sound of Freedom” starring Jim Caviezel. The movie purports to be the true story of Tim Ballard, a former Department of Homeland Security agent who rescues children from sex trafficking in Colombia. Caviezel and others have claimed that the movie, which … Read more

“Greedflation” and the end of Capitalism

Something seems to have broken with capitalism. Albert Edwards Albert Edwards is an economist for the Societe Generale investment bank. He is concerned that capitalism is no longer working as it should. During a time of a slowing economy – with higher commodity prices and a labor shortage (as during the 4th quarter of 2022) … Read more

The band of robbers: A cautionary tale

The following story, recorded in the Book of Mormon, took place in America about 29 to 23 B.C. It’s events are amazingly similar to recent history. And it came to pass that the Lamanites did hunt the band of robbers of Gadianton; and they did preach the word of God among the more wicked part … Read more

You have been robbed

New research from the RAND Corporation shows what working Americans have suspected all along. From 1975 to 2020, the top 1% of Americans have stolen 50 trillion dollars from the aggregate annual incomes of the bottom 90% of Americans. Everyone in the United States today would be healthier, happier, and better educated if we had … Read more