Republicans hurt people

The veil is off. The pretense is gone. What has long been visible to the discerning is now blatantly obvious to all. Republican policy hurts people. It hurts them deliberately and mercilessly. If you cannot see it now, your sense of intellectual discernment and your moral compass are both severely compromised. You need to be … Read more

What would a “Christian Nation” do?

There is an old quip that says, “If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” This hypothetical court case is usually presented as a challenge to professed Christians to step up and actually LIVE according to the precepts taught by Jesus Christ. It is one thing to … Read more

The Entrenched Power of Big Money

Relative income growth in the US.

Let me tell you what I think you already know, but you have to say it out loud. Inequality is by design.From those who colonized us 400 years ago, systems were built around people in power, by people in power, to keep their power. And 400 years ago, who were those people in power? White, … Read more