The Bubble of Lies

James Comey, the former director of the FBI, is concerned about leaders “who will lie about anything,” followers “who will believe anything,” and media sources “that will say anything.” He is encouraging Americans to “break out of that bubble and seek truth.” In an earlier tweet, he said, “Facts matter” and accused Republicans of attacking the FBI and “lying about its work.”

Facts DO matter. As Satan well knows. He works to undermine truth in any way he can. He has managed to use political hyper-partisanship in the United States to create a “bubble” in which oft repeated lies and self-serving, celebrity “leaders” are now accepted, even applauded, by a large portion of the electorate who have been completely deceived and taken in by lies.

A feedback loop has been set up that prevents these people from escaping the bubble: 1. Trump (or McConnell, or Ryan, or Hannity) lies, 2. The mainstream media (doing their job) points out the lie and the related facts, 3. Trump (or Faux “News”) attacks the mainstream press as “unfair” to the liar. 4. The Trump supporter believes the lie because “the Press is mean.” The person caught in the bubble has been taught to think, “Of course the New York Times (or CNN, or NBC) are calling Trump a liar, they hate him.”

Now, every time the mainstream press points out Republican lies, rank and file Republicans harden their belief that they are under attack, and they completely ignore any facts or evidence the mainstream press may present. The result is that our ignorant, incompetent Republican President and the biased, partisan Faux “News,” both continual major sources of lies, get away with attacking the real, traditional, mainstream news sources and calling THEM “fake news.”

Thus, the truth is turned upside down. Those who support the liars are firmly convinced that they are right and that their heroes are being persecuted any time someone tries to point out what is really going on. Only rarely does one of them wake up and see that they have been manipulated.

It is important to understand that the situation has gone far beyond mere “differences of opinion” about political issues. The question now is whether Americans will support and defend truth, facts, and objective data, or whether they will ignore reality and support slogans, lies, and moral relativism.

The Republican Party has sacrificed truth, and the normal political processes of discussion and compromise, to the god of “say or do anything to win.” Unless and until this changes, the Republican Party has forfeited its right to the vote of any member of the LDS Church. Our scriptures teach us to vote only for candidates who are “good, wise and honest.” (Doctrine and Covenants 98:10) Sadly, many of us are still trapped in Satan’s bubble….

And he became Satan, yea, even the devil, the father of all lies, to deceive and to blind men, and to lead them captive at his will, even as many as would not hearken unto my voice. (Moses 4:4)

Source: “Comey attacks Republicans, defends FBI’s alleged use of Trump campaign informant in pair of scathing tweets,” Kevin Breuninger,, May 23, 2018.

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