The Truth about the “Big Bad Deficit”

The right wing folks — from the tea party crazies, to the radio and TV hate mongers, to the obstructionist Republican office holders —  are all in a lather lately about budget deficits.
Didn’t ya’ll support George W. and his “free market” deregulation (ie. the “Free-for-all market” which became the “Free-fall market”), and his tax cuts for the rich, and his two (!) wars?
Here is a link to an analysis of the the true causes of the Federal deficit. Click on it if facts don’t scare you.
I have to tell ya, it ain’t Obama’s policies that put us in this mess….

1 thought on “The Truth about the “Big Bad Deficit””

  1. George W. Bush was not a credit to his party and their supposed "conservative" ideals. The Republican Party has indeed lost their way. I was reeling when 'W' said he "…abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system."

    Putting it mildly, that makes absolutely no sense. Certainly with a plan like that, our deficit was sure to sky-rocket!

    I hope that Obama can get us to the place where we only spend what we have, or better yet, run a surplus so that we can aggressively pay down our mountainous debt. If we don't, we will lose our AAA credit status( That could mean lots of financial pain for our children.

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