Fox News and the Chains of Hell

It is all too easy to become entrapped in a web of lies and deceit. Ever since the War in Heaven Satan and his allies have been spinning their threads of lies, rumors, and half-truths to ensnare us.

Propaganda, dissemination of information—facts, arguments, rumours, half-truths, or lies—to influence public opinion.

Encyclopaedia Britannica

The scary thing about propaganda is that it is addictive and it can lead one’s mind to a place wherein one becomes essentially brainwashed — unable to think clearly and unable to see alternatives.

Brainwashing yourself

Mental self-entrapment occurs through four steps:

1. Start listening to propaganda. The first step seems harmless. One may watch a few shows on Fox News, or listen to Sean Hannity on talk radio, or click onto the Breitbart web site. (Warning: Don’t do this! Even out of curiosity. This is like trying a first cigarette. It’s distasteful, but the addictive component, nicotine, goes to work on you from the first puff.)

2. Become addicted to propaganda. If you are not extremely careful, you may soon find yourself tuning in to these propaganda sources on a regular basis. People don’t realize that right-wing propaganda sources are carefully and deliberately designed to be addictive. They appeal to a carefully calibrated mix of fear, outrage, resentment, and smugness. They purposely manipulate viewer’s emotions to get them to keep coming back.

3. Start listening to less and less mainstream news. As one spends more and more time getting information from propaganda sources, you naturally spend less and less time with mainstream, fact-checked, information sources. Somehow (and this is your addiction speaking) mainstream news sources don’t have the same appeal (spark, excitement, thrill) as the propaganda sources. And neither do they have the same comforting, authoritative, “certainty” that Fox News provides.

4. Listen to and believe only propaganda sources. As one’s media diet narrows, you eventually reach a state wherein Fox News (and related sources) becomes your only source of information. All sources of news outside of this bubble are considered to be “Fake News.”


All Fox News and the Foxhole spiral has to do to accomplish its magic is move you into the tribal partisan camp — and then Fox News owns not only your brain stem; they own your psyche.

Tobin Smith

At this point, your brain has essentially shut down. Your thoughts and opinions are controlled by the propagandists. You can no longer see the real world. At the same time, however, you will feel smarter and more enlightened than ever.

This is the most insidious part. Your emotions will have been manipulated to make you feel smug, even arrogant, in your new ignorance. And the propaganda machine will continually spin out new “facts” and opinions to fill in your “alternative truth” worldview and make you feel well-informed.

A stubborn heart and a prideful spirit

Thou shalt offer a sacrifice unto the Lord thy God in righteousness, even that of a broken heart and a contrite spirit.

Doctrine and Covenants 59:8

The scriptures teach that one should cultivate “a broken heart and a contrite spirit” — that one should be humble so one can learn. Right-wing propaganda causes one to develop a stubborn heart and a prideful spirit. You come to believe that you know more than the scientists and the policy experts and you start to trust the propagandists more than mainstream professional journalists.

Those who were cast out of Heaven with Lucifer were not ejected because they lost an argument. They were cast out because they had placed themselves beyond repentance. They had become so stubborn and so prideful they could not humble themselves and seek forgiveness for their rebellion.

Fox News/Trump followers have done the same thing to themselves. They have blinded themselves to facts and reason. They stubbornly refuse to consider information from outside their bubble; and they pridefully boast about their allegiance to their narcissistic leader.

The chains of hell

The four steps of Fox News mental self-entrapment, as described above, are directly parallel to the Book of Mormon prophet Alma’s definition of the chains of hell.

And they that will harden their hearts, to them is given the lesser portion of the word until they know nothing concerning his mysteries; and then they are taken captive by the devil, and led by his will down to destruction. Now this is what is meant by the chains of hell.

Alma 12:11

These poor victims will never be able to wake up, repent, and find the truth as long as they continue to drink from the poison fountain that is Fox News.

Sources:Propaganda,” Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Tobin Smith, Foxocracy: Inside the Network’s Playbook of Tribal Warfare, Diversion Books, 2019.
Jen Senko, “The Brainwashing of My Dad,” (film), 89 minutes, 2016.

Author’s Note: I strongly recommend the film “The Brainwashing of My Dad.” It will show you some of the history of right-wing media and help you to see the immense damage Fox News is doing to people and their families. The film is currently streaming for free on Vudu, but you will need to create an account with them.