Has the Republican party become a cult?

Neuropsychologist Seth D. Norrholm considers the modern American Republican party to be a cult. Although members of the GOP still refer to themselves as a political party with principled stances, the reality is they have now morphed into a domestic terror organization and to use the umbrella term, a cult – the largest and most … Read more

The politics of grievance

Things is messed up. Them [immigrants, people of color, religious minorities] is takin’ my [job, housing, government benefits] using MY tax dollars. And the Democrats want to make it easier for [“those people”] to vote so they can increase their own benefits at MY expense. Now those socialists want the power to stick a needle … Read more

Trump addiction

A grievance is a real or imagined wrong or cause for complaint. Grievances manifest themselves in the form of people taking offense at, or being upset by, perceived unfair treatment. Aggrieved persons who feel rebuked or marginalized often have unmet needs from their childhoods. Harboring a grievance can actually feel good. People frequently cling to … Read more