Worse than incompetent, Trump is extremely dangerous

Malignanat Trump

I used to think that Donald J. Trump was simply incompetent. That the problem was that the presidency was far beyond his abilities. That he was flailing because he was in way over his head. It very quickly became obvious to me that he is an extreme narcissist. Everything around him has to be about … Read more

Strategic Blindness

It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it. Upton Sinclair How could every Republican member of the Senate, save one, have voted to acquit Donald J. Trump of abuse of power in the January 2020 impeachment trial despite the clear evidence of his guilt? … Read more

Show me the money!

On January 21,2010 the Supreme Court decided that “Political spending is a form of protected speech under the First Amendment, and the government may not keep corporations or unions from spending money to support or denounce individual candidates in elections.” This was the infamous “Citizens United” decision. People generally don’t know that the organization called … Read more

Forget Left vs Right: Now It’s Truth vs Lies

Whenever I point out the evil being done by a Republican, or by the Republican Party, the standard defense I hear is usually some variation on, “But both sides do it!” This argument is a logical fallacy called “red herring.” It is a diversionary tactic designed to change the subject. Of course one can find … Read more

Our Republic is Crumbling

The American republic could die, just like Rome. Wavering for some time on the verge of becoming a complete oligarchy, America is on the verge of flipping from a democratic republic to a strongman or autocratic form of government, something that’s happened to dozens of democracies in the past few decades, but never before here. … Read more