Worse than incompetent, Trump is extremely dangerous

I used to think that Donald J. Trump was simply incompetent. That the problem was that the presidency was far beyond his abilities. That he was flailing because he was in way over his head.

It very quickly became obvious to me that he is an extreme narcissist. Everything around him has to be about him. He evaluates people, not on their competence, but on their obsequiousness. (He calls it “loyalty.”) Prior to his entering the presidential race, I never paid any attention to him, to his National Enquirer lifestyle, or to his TV show. If I had, I would have known about his blatant narcissism much sooner.

When I read that psychologists were using the term “malignant narcissist” to describe Trump, I decided that the term was accurate and began to use it in my own writing. Now, however, I have learned more about the actual characteristics of malignant narcissism and realize that Trump is much more dangerous than I had previously understood.

Trump’s psychological profile

Psychiatrist Otto Kernberg has said that malignant narcissism is a toxic combination of four dysfunctional traits:

  1. Narcissism
  2. Antisocial behavior
  3. Paranoid thinking
  4. Sadism

Let’s see how Trump meets this description:
Narcissism? Grandiosity, sense of entitlement, need for attention? Check.
Antisocial behavior? Impulsive, deceitful, lack of remorse? Check.
Paranoid thinking? Preoccupied with loyalty, bears grudges? Check.

It is the fourth characteristic of Trump’s malignant narcissism, Sadism, that we have been underestimating.

Sadism is characterized by cruelty. A sadist will deliberately humiliate and manipulate people. He enjoys the pain and suffering of others. In the sexual aspect of sadism, the sadist relates to people in terms of power, rather than affection. The sadist wants his victim to feel fear. It is the fear that excites him.

Trump causes harm deliberately

If Donald J. Trump were merely incompetent we must ask why, in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic, has he made the wrong decision at every single turn? How can simple incompetence be so consistently, and so disastrously, wrong?

Psychologist John Gartner claims that Trump “is driven to cause harm to people.” He “enjoys creating chaos and instability so he can feel powerful.” Gartner also claims that Trump is “a sexual sadist, who on some basic level enjoys and is aroused by watching people be afraid of him.”

I apologize to any of my readers who may be uncomfortable with this explicit description. Yes, it is sick and twisted and disgusting. The point is that this is a serious professional analysis of the behavior of the current President of the United States.

Tyrants kill their own people

Dr. Gartner goes on to accuse Trump of democidal behavior in his mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic (democide is “death by one’s own government”). Trump and his associates knew millions could die and did nothing. In fact, Trump has fired people from the government for trying to warn the public.

These professional conclusions mean that Donald J. Trump shares the same disordered personality characteristics as Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. He is just as dangerous as those men. Most elected Republicans, in supporting and defending Trump, are complicit in the ongoing destruction of our government and the, ever more likely, collapse of our society.

I envision Donald Trump as a megalomaniacal puppet master. The American people are his little marionettes. The American people must acknowledge that relationship to cut the strings.   

John Gartner

Sources: Chauncey DeVega, “Psychologist John Gartner: Trump is a “sexual sadist” who is “actively engaging in sabotage”,” Salon, April 25, 2020.
Dan Neuharth, “What Exactly Is “Malignant Narcissism”?Psychology Today, May 25, 2019.
Rhonda Freeman, “How to Tell You’re Dealing with a Malignant Narcissist,” Psychology Today, February 22, 2017.

2 thoughts on “Worse than incompetent, Trump is extremely dangerous”

  1. So I will answer my question as to why the LDS hierarchy has not acted to blunt Trump: 1) All of the general authorities are Republicans, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, so what can we expect; 2) they like what Trump is doing for them in enhancing organized religion power (like much of the evangelical establishment), 3) they are afraid of angering the substantial right wing in the Church. Any other explanations? Any way I expect my wife and I will die next year of the coronavirus, as it comes back with a vengeance next year. Much of this could have been stopped had the LDS establishment responded to the gross corruption of Trump, which was plain as day. I don’t worry much for myself but I leave kids and grandkids behind. Who will protect them?

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