The authoritarian follower personality

In a democracy, a wannabe tyrant is just a comical figure on a soapbox unless a huge wave of supporters lifts him to high office. Bob Altmeyer Much has been written about autocrats and despots. At whatever scale, home, school, work, or an entire country, these people rule as dictators using fear and the threat … Read more

Worse than incompetent, Trump is extremely dangerous

Malignanat Trump

I used to think that Donald J. Trump was simply incompetent. That the problem was that the presidency was far beyond his abilities. That he was flailing because he was in way over his head. It very quickly became obvious to me that he is an extreme narcissist. Everything around him has to be about … Read more

Are You an Everyday Saint?

Vader and Luke

Do you lean more toward the dark side or the light side? I don’t usually take those Facebook “personality tests” because they are scientifically meaningless, and because I believe their real purpose is to sell information about one’s interests and personality to advertisers. However, I am not opposed to self-knowledge. Legitimate, scientifically-based, tools can sometimes … Read more